Monday, December 11, 2006

Imams trying to extort US Airways

According to UPI, five of six imams pulled from a US Airways flight are looking for a settlement. Whether it was a test of airline security or a greedy ploy for a settlement, we shouldn't allow these imams to bully us. And I'm not convinced that an actual terror attack wasn't thwarted when they were tossed off the plane.

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Here's the bottom line, for me:

If US Airways settles with these imams, I'll never set foot on a US Airways jet again. It's a simple matter of safety. If they merge with Delta, I'll put Delta on my do-not-fly list. If enough of us make our feelings known, a clear message will be sent to the airlines, the imams, and their supporters -- terrorist activities, simulated or real, will not be tolerated.

Contact these airlines to express your opinion:
US Airways contact page
Delta contact page


Anonymous said...

you are obviously a racist and intolerant of Islam!

Steve said...

Frivolous lawsuits in America?? They must be terrorists! No good'ol boy would ever do that!

The Shaved Ape said...

I'm going to sue you for the pain and suffering your comment has caused, Steve.