Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Another far-left nutjob in the media

CNN has kicked a far-left nutjob to the curb only after her real views were made public. Does anyone think her views are not mainstream for CNN personnel? Does anyone think CNN only just learned that one of their top people supports a terrorist group that is against the existence of the United States? From NYT:

    Ms. Nasr, a 20-year veteran of CNN, wrote on Twitter after the cleric died on Sunday, “Sad to hear of the passing of Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah … One of Hezbollah’s giants I respect a lot.”

    Ayatollah Fadlallah routinely denounced Israel and the United States, and supported suicide bombings against Israeli civilians. Ayatollah Fadlallah’s writings and preachings inspired the Dawa Party of Iraq and a generation of militants, including the founders of Hezbollah, The New York Times reported on Sunday.

I've been saying this over and over again, vainly hoping that it will sink in: the press is 85% left wing. Remember Eason Jordan, another anti-American CNN dipshit who was let go only after his true feelings inadvertently became public? More here. What about the Washington Post reporter, now fired for being nutjob left, assigned to conservative coverage? More here.

The media isn't limited to "news". Hollywood has been churning out anti-American propaganda for years now, against the Iraq War, while we're still at war.

Fully 85% of journalists activists feel the way these disgraced, fired people do. Even with the massive, liberal media bias, the nation is still conservative. The latest figures match the figures going back decades: America is 41% conservative, 21% liberal. What would these percentages be if the press and Hollywood were -- dreaming the impossible dream -- neutral?

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