Saturday, July 10, 2010

Obama and friends

Where are the good old days, when Hussein was on the campaign trail, and hope socialist rhetoric was in the air? What must Tish Durkin be thinking now? Here's what she (he?) wrote in the Huffington Post when Little Hussein was campaigning:

    I cheerfully concede that he may turn out to be a fantastic candidate and, for that matter, a Washington-Lincoln-FDR triple combo as president.

This is even more strange now than it was then. Instead of a "Washington-Lincoln-FDR triple combo as president," we got a Stalin-HopeyChange-Castro triple combo.

Like Stalin and Castro, Obama has found that promising to take care of the people, by giving them free stuff, resonates with the less educated among us. They're supporting him, just as the morons under Stalin and Castro supported those dictators, because they won't have to work as hard, and some of what the rich folk have will be given to them.

And just like in the countries molded by Stalin and Castro, our idiot masses will find that the creation of a massive government apparatus to equalize and take care of everyone is also the ideal apparatus to control everyone. You can't have one without the other.

What liberals seem to have trouble gasping is this: even if Obama is the right man, right now, the next president might be a Pol Pot. This is the exact reason we set up this country with a very limited federal government. The ancient Romans were so wary of too much power in too few hands, their Republic had a system of dual presidents (called consuls), serving together for only one year. This was seen as a necessary safeguard against tyranny.

If Obama and his far-left supporters get their wishes, the country will come to regret it, sooner or later.

What really gets me is that the country has States, not provinces, for a reason, and Obama is ignoring this. Most Republicans ignore it, too. A state is a nation, not a province. Our name says it all. Unlike France or Germany or China, our name is a simple description of what we are -- a loose association of states, not a standard country with a strong federal government and some provinces spread around. If anyone forgets the secret to our power and freedom, just remember that "United States of America" is a description, not a name.

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