Sunday, March 26, 2006

Pro-illegal alien rallies disturbing

When I see 500,000 people marching in Los Angeles, waving Mexican flags -- in support of lawbreaking -- my only response is: build the wall, militarize it, and round up every last illegal alien and uncerimoniously toss them back across the border. We'll pick our own damned lettuce.

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Who do these people think they are, staging mass protests and waving a foreign flag in my country? Get the fuck out of here.

I will vote against anyone, at any level of government, who thinks it's okay for millions of illegal aliens to flood into this country every single year without so much as an ID check.

Bush has failed miserably on the illegal alien issue.


Anonymous said...

everybody in America today is a descendant from immigrants, you biased fool.

Anonymous said...

"fool" is a strong word for a ficticious, alter-ego...

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you mean, Mr. Long. It does appear you refuse to admit everybody in America is a descendant from immirgrants. You sir, are a fool.

The Shaved Ape said...

You're the only one in America who is not an immigrant, "donnab." You exist only as a collection of "1s" and "0s", wholly lacking the logic your bretheren are known for.