Friday, December 08, 2006

When Muslims attack

A Muslim was caught before he could carry out plans for mass murder at an Illinois shopping center, via Chicago Sun-Times:

    “I am from America, and this tape is to let you guys know, who disbelieve in Allah, to let the enemies of Islam know, and to let the Muslims alike know that the time for jihad is strong, oh Mujahideen...May Allah protect me on this mission we do not cry, do not mourn for me,” he said, according to the FBI affidavit.

Now, I wonder where he got those ideas. Was it from growing up in an impoverished Middle Eastern country, oppressed by Bush and Blair's foreign policy? No, because he's from the heartland of America. Quite a mystery. You don't suppose... No! He didn't hear about these fanatical ideas from a garden variety mosque right here in America, did he?


Man in a Shed said...

There's a similar story in the UK. Most of the suicide bombers that are home grown where well educated and not in any material deprivation. However, their understanding of their relgion was so poor (we are told) as to allow them to be duped into blowing themselves up.

After all when did you last hear of an Terrorist leader being a suicide bomber ? Only the gullable get that task ( and of course by defintion expendable).

What I want to hear is Immans saying publically that these murderers go straight to hell. When I don't hear that I wonder if they don't think its worth warning their congregations or perhaps they don't believe that ?

The Shaved Ape said...

I think we can say, after several years of close scrutiny, that Islam, for the most part, endorses the concept of "armed struggle." Surely not every Muslim believes suicide bombings are right, but it's prevalent thought.

Not one fatwa was issued against OBL over the 9/11 attacks, and it wasn't until the Madrid bombings that Spanish Muslims issued a fatwa. Salman Rushdie got his fatwa right away, by contrast.