Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Obama's knee-jerk reaction to spill thwarted

A judge in New Orleans has lifted Obama's ban on deep-water oil drilling. I wish somebody would do that to the Governor of California, who looked at the TV images of the Gulf spill and decided he was against drilling. The rapid reactions of these idiot politicians is due to media pressure and their own public image, not what's best for the country. We need leaders with balls; what we have are bozos.

Here's what Obama should have said: "We will take every precaution with the rigs that are still drilling in the Gulf, and learn from this disaster, but we won't shut down the other wells because our entire civilization is dependent upon oil, and every drop we can get from the Gulf reduces our dependency on Middle East oil -- which is a national security hazard."

Where the F are the real leaders?

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