Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kagan shows how to be far-left on SCOTUS

The AP headline says it all, I think: Kagan embraces notion of living Constitution. This is how far-left crazies like Kagan, pictured below, try to change this country from one with individual freedoms, states' rights, and limited federal government, to one with an all-powerful federal government that intrudes into every aspect of our life.

Elena Kagan, Hussein's choice
for Supreme Court

A typical "living Constitution"" argument runs, "The framers of the constitution didn't foresee nuclear weapons." This "living Constitution" blather somehow leads liberals to concluce that a law-abiding citizen can't own a handgun to protect himself, his family, and his property. The "living" argument is a liberal tool to transfer responsibilities from the people to the government.

Fortunately the Supreme Court rejected another ban on handguns yesterday. Finally, law-abiding people can no longer be denied personal protection to defend themselves from predatory criminals, most of whom possess handguns.From AP:

    State or local gun laws that prohibit people from carrying firearms outside the home and onerous registration requirements are the most likely to be struck down by judges following the Supreme Court's latest decision supporting the right to keep and bear arms.

This ruling succeeded by a slim margin of 5 to 4. We're very lucky it went to SCOTUS before Kagan, a far-left nutcase, is confirmed.

Liberals will have to accept, sooner or later, that adults without felonies or mental problems have a right to own guns. If liberals don't like it, why not flee to Britain, where handguns are illegal? Interestingly, Britain has a problem with knifings.

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