Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Liberal media bias

The New Liberal Times has an interesting article discussing its own coverage of the Acorn scandal, and whether it reveals political bias at The Times. Everyone with an IQ above 4 knows that the NYT is a left wing mouthpiece, plain and simple. They need to publicly deny this, lest their paltry readership shrinks even further.

One thing caught my eye, and I'll add it to a long list of items serving as clear proof of lefty media bias across the USA:

    Tom Rosenstiel, the director of the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism, said he has studied journalists for years, and though they are more liberal than the general population, he believes they are motivated by the desire to get good stories, not to help one particular side. Conservatives who believe The Times isn’t critical of Democrats forget that the paper broke damaging stories about the personal finances of Representative Charles Rangel and the hiring of prostitutes by Eliot Spitzer.

    But Rosenstiel said The Times has a particular problem with conservatives, especially after its article last year suggesting that John McCain had an extramarital affair. And Republicans earlier this year charged that the paper killed a story about Acorn that would have been a “game changer” in the presidential election — a claim I found to be false.

    “If you know you are a target, it requires extra vigilance,” Rosenstiel said. “Even the suspicion of a bias is a problem all by itself.”

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