Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Iran is history

Remember the WWII mantra: never forget? America redefined that, for itself, after 9/11. We'll never forget that rogue regimes, islamic radicals, and other scumbags can't be allowed to possess weapons of mass destruction. The price is too high.

This is why I predict that Iran will get smashed sooner or later. I really can't believe that, after 9/11, the Iranian government doesn't understand what it's bringing on itself. Of course, our little Obama will only Phil Donahue the problem (open a line of dialogue), but eventually we'll have a real leader in office.

I have two hopes for Iran's future: 1) Israel takes care of the problem before we have to, and 2) if we're forced to do this, we don't make the same mistakes we made in Iraq -- we go in, remove WMD and kill anyone who tries to stop us, then leave. The Stone Age people who live there can rebuild their own country.

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