Thursday, August 16, 2007

Staggering jaw-dropper from Barack Hussein Obama

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Hussein has said that not all of America's problems are Bush's fault. What????? This has been the bread and butter of all socialists since Bush was first elected. The hardleft will not like Hussein much after this. AP:

    Not all the nation's ills can be blamed on President Bush, Democratic candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday as he called on Americans to change the nature of politics and institute more openness in government.

    "Part of the problem here is not just George Bush and the White House," Obama told a crowd of hundreds gathered at a park in Cedar Falls. "We can't just change political parties and continue to do the same kind of things we've been doing. We can't just go about business as usual and think it's going to turn out differently."

Hussein doesn't even believe this. This is the party and ideology that blamed Bush for a goddamned hurricane -- not just the FEMA response, they actually blamed him for the storm. The Democratic base is going to break with Hussein.

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