Wednesday, August 15, 2007

New chapter in the Great Climate Swindle

NASA re-checked the math and, whaddya know?, the sky isn't falling. Listen up, socialists. From The Toronto Star:

    In the United States, the calendar year 1998 ranked as the hottest of them all – until someone checked the math.

    After a Toronto skeptic tipped NASA this month to one flaw in its climate calculations, the U.S. agency ordered a full data review.

    Days later, it put out a revised list of all-time hottest years. The Dust Bowl year of 1934 now ranks as hottest ever in the U.S. – not 1998.

    More significantly, the agency reduced the mean U.S. "temperature anomalies" for the years 2000 to 2006 by 0.15 degrees Celsius.

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