Thursday, August 02, 2007

More liberal nonsense in public schools

Idiot liberals are damaging school children again. Their big hearts are failing to prepare students for the real world. NY Times:

    Several weeks into his first year of teaching math at the High School of Arts and Technology in Manhattan, Austin Lampros received a copy of the school’s grading policy. He took particular note of the stipulation that a student who attended class even once during a semester, who did absolutely nothing else, was to be given 45 points on the 100-point scale, just 20 short of a passing mark.

    Mr. Lampros’s introduction to the high school’s academic standards proved a fitting preamble to a disastrous year. It reached its low point in late June, when Arts and Technology’s principal, Anne Geiger, overruled Mr. Lampros and passed a senior whom he had failed in a required math course.

    That student, Indira Fernandez, had missed dozens of class sessions and failed to turn in numerous homework assignments, according to Mr. Lampros’s meticulous records, which he provided to The New York Times. She had not even shown up to take the final exam. She did, however, attend the senior prom.

    Through the intercession of Ms. Geiger, Miss Fernandez was permitted to retake the final after receiving two days of personal tutoring from another math teacher. Even though her score of 66 still left her with a failing grade for the course as a whole by Mr. Lampros’s calculations, Ms. Geiger gave the student a passing mark, which allowed her to graduate.

Q: Why are failing students allowed to graduate? A: Liberalism.

Other examples of liberalism in our public schools:

Teachers in the New York public school system cannot be fired.

Liberals fought their own man, Bubba Clinton (the nation's first black, female president), when he tried to end the liberal practice of social promotion, where a failing student is passed and sent on to the next grade because it's easier on the children. Bubba tried to pay schools to end the practice. Article here.

Using the color red to mark wrong answers on exams was to be changed to purple because it's less "offensive" than red. Also, the word "fail" was to be changed to "deferred success" because telling a child they failed is too harsh. Idiots. Article here.

This is liberalism, folks.

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