Wednesday, July 20, 2005

British teachers have failed

Fail: 2 a : to fall short <failed in his duty> b : to be or become absent or inadequate failed> c : to be unsuccessful (as in passing an examination) d : to become bankrupt or insolvent

The Shaved Apes of Britain have failed miserably just by concocting an immensely stupid idea.

    Members of the Professional Association of Teachers (PAT) argue that telling pupils they have failed can put them off learning for life.

Let me see if I understand this correctly. If a student is "unsuccessful (as in passing an examination)", as Merriam-Webster identifies the definition of "fail", he or she will not be considered to have failed. Am I right, or am I wrong?

This is liberalism in all its urine-yellow glory.

And, the British fools are not unlike their teaching counterparts in the U.S. The color red is seen, by some in the U.S., as too harsh.

    "If you see a whole paper of red, it looks pretty frightening," said Sharon Carlson, a health and physical education teacher at John F. Kennedy Middle School in Northampton. "Purple stands out, but it doesn't look as scary as red."

Liberalism is the ideology where no one is responsible for their actions, especially the bad ones (see psychiatry), and there are no winners and losers, and now a student who flunks will get a large purple "A" and a smiley face on the exam paper. "Good job, Johnny, you didn't completely screw the pooch and fuck-off everything we've been trying to teach you this year. No, that didn't happen. Congratulation on your success."

Perhaps we'll transform cognitive dissonance from hypothesis to scientific law once and for all.

The Brit idea about the word "fail" and the American fear of the color red are two great ways to completely fail a generation of students. How about telling kids who are scared of the color red to just fucking try harder? Similarly, students who fail can be instructed to try in their school work, period.

If these low caliber teachers have their way, we'll see a transatlantic generation of pussies. Only a bunch of dicks would want that.

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