Friday, August 17, 2007

Iranian 'cleric' threatens US

Poor, weak Iran. Always getting upset about something. Last year it was the movie 300. This time a "cleric" has warned the US about calling its precious Revolutionary Guard terrorists. Reuters:

    A senior Iranian cleric said on Friday that plans by the United States to designate Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist group invited a fight with the Iranian nation which America could not win.

    "Americans should know that in this field, as with nuclear energy, they are dealing with the whole nation. And the great nation of Iran will never abandon its revolutionary people," Ahmad Khatami told worshippers at Friday prayers in Tehran.

    "Americans should know that if they act madly in this regard, they would be entering a swamp they won't be able to get out of," the conservative cleric said in a speech that was broadcast live on the radio.

Actually, we've learned how to fight Middle East countries: bomb the hell out of them and leave. They're not interested in democracy, and they can't beat us in battle. The next war will be an exercise in JDAM technology and stealth aircraft, and little else.

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