LGF learned of a Reddit page set up to track some of the WikiScanner findings. Goodbye to a failed experiment. I could have predicted all of this long ago. Wait! I did! And so did millions of other people who saw Wikipedia for what it is.
Highlights from the Reddit page:
Scientology is removing lots of criticism
A UN computer was used to call Oriana Falacci a "racist whore" (which she is)
An Al Jazeera computer was used to say that the founding of Israel was as bad as the holocaust
Lots of tasteless stuff from Apple employees
Scores of stuff from NY Times, all attacking Bush and Republicans
The Guardian slams The Times (I hate The Guardian for its support of terrorism)
A BBC computer was used to change George Walker Bush to George Wanker Bush
A Reuters computer was used to call Bush a mass murderer
Fox News criticized Al Franken
Monsanto IP adds to Michael Moore criticism
CBS IP wanted everyone to know that a well known CNN newsman "cast aside his birth name of Irving Federman and adopted the on-air personna of Wolf Blitzer"
BBC IP changes "terrorist" to "freedom fighter"
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