I just finished watching The History Channel's documentary, The 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction. It's basically a video version of the Popular Mechanics article that first debunked the idiotic Truther movement. I highly recommend it.
One woman interviewed had "directed" a 9/11 conspiracy film. She had the same deer-in-the-headlights stare in her eyes, along with the not-quite-sane voice, as Cindy Sheehan. The people behind Loose Change are just kids, albeit kids who choose not to think. Case in point: jet fuel burns at a lower temperature than the melting point of steel, so therefore a fire of jet fuel could not have caused the towers to collapse. One doesn't need Popular Mechanics or The History Channel to explain what happened there. Steel doesn't need to melt in order to fail. Another amusing one is the fact that the government didn't release any pictures of the plane hitting the Pentagon for a long time. Truthers say this is evidence of a gubment coverup. Are they pretending not to know who Zacarias Moussaoui is?
Nearly all of the Truther arguments can be dismissed out of hand with less than five minutes of Google searching. For instance, the Loose Change kids and other weirdos claim that the cell phone calls made from the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, including the famous one from Todd Beamer (let's roll), were faked. Their reasoning is that the plane went as high as 40k feet, when cell phone coverage in 2001 didn't reach that high. Truth: cell phone coverage reached to 50k feet in 2001, and besides, out of more than 30 cell calls placed from the doomed plane, only two were from personal cell phones. The rest were from the AT&T in-flight cell system.
It's absurd that anyone thinks our own government murdered thousands of innocent civilians on 9/11. I take offense at the concept. Now, consider how many thousands of people would have to be in on the conspiracy, and you begin to realize how dumb these Truthers are.
1 comment:
And it was all masterminded by a Shadow Govt operating from under the Denver Airport.
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