Monday, December 04, 2006

More climate scientists coming out of hiding

From CO(2) Science, via Tim Blair, emphasis added:

    After providing quantitative estimates of the scope and extent of these major forces on earth's climate - not only here but in two earlier studies as well (Khilyuk and Chilingar (2003, 2004) - the two researchers from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (USA) conclude that "the theory of currently observed global atmospheric warming as a result of increasing anthropogenic carbon dioxide emission is a myth," and that it has "proved to be an enduring one."

I always thought it was Christians (Conservatives, Republicans) who were into guilt. I see now that it is the atheistic socialists (masquerading as modern liberals and "progressives") who feel guilty. When somebody sees that the earth has warmed up by half a degree in 75 years, and surely knows that the earth has a 2 billion year history of warming and cooling without human interference, and then concludes that humans are destroying the earth, the only conclusion one can draw is that they feel really, really bad about something (such as themselves), and have decided "global warming" or the newer, more inclusive "climate change" is the ultimate way to debase oneself. They're all but shouting, "The sky is falling! And we are making it fall!"

Socialists have treated us to these end-of-world scenarios for decades. In the early 70s, and then again in the early 90s, humans were actually causing the earth to cool down, with the subtext being "we're bad and we must be stopped." Other end-of-world idiocies over the years include the big scare in the 70s and early 80s about running dry of oil in 10 years. Well, well. We have discovered more oil since 1990 then anyone ever thought possible. An oil pipeline was going to render Alaskan caribou extinct. They're thriving.

What could possibly come out of socialist mouths next?

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