Saturday, December 02, 2006

The left's love affair with Barak Obama

Barak Obama is the new darling of the left, and he has no presidential qualities except oration! The left's only requirement for president is good public speaking (see: Clinton). Watching CNN's entire staff fall hopelessly in love with Obama is as revealing as it is nauseating.

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David Sirota, writing at the Huffington Post, raises similar complaints:

    Look, I'm willing to admit that maybe it's true: maybe in this age of cynicism where people have completely given up on the idea that government can do anything, all the country really wants is a great orator who nebulously "connects" - a talk show host President who makes us feel good when he's on TV, even as he refuses to use his power to actually change anything. But I think now, more than ever, people are looking for a conviction politician - someone who has either done something, or at least used their platform to try to do something through raising taboo issues.

Sirota is a "progressive" who is deeply involved in what he calls a "movement". I call it a movement, too, but of a different kind. He got one thing wrong, or simply neglected to mention something:

    The national media is swooning over Obama, begging him to run for president.

The national media is not swooning over Obama. Media outlets with clear liberal bias are, and no others.

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