Thursday, December 15, 2005

Vicente Fox and the Great Wall

I really don't like resorting to name calling, but I've got to once again. Fuck you, Vicente Fox. Your impoverished little nation of barbarians doesn't impress me. Yes, "barbarians" is a very challenging word. But, when people are better off picking fucking lettuce illegally in another country than getting a job and making a living in their own country, what do you want me to call it?

The U.S. is finally going to seal the border to illegal immigration, something long overdue. A small portion of fence is going to be fortified, unless Democrats find a way to block it, and Vicente Fox calls it "disgraceful and shameful."

Well, assmaggott, it is disgraceful and shameful that your government is so corrupt it cannot solve Mexico's economic problems. You should be disgraced and shamed that your people are willing to risk an illegal and dangerous crossing in one of the hottest deserts on earth just to get a fucking job.

Fuck off, pathetic piece of shit -- Fox.

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