Monday, December 05, 2005

Missiles to Iran, cats, and other news goodies

Russia and Iran have inked a deal providing the idiot Iranians with 29 mobile air defense systems. At first I was angry about this, but on second thought, it could prove to be a good move. It will give our squadrons of stealth aircraft something to do when the time comes.

The Moscow Times online put the story in the A1 slot.

A Muslim suicide bomber detonated himself at an Israeli mall, killing five, plus one cockroach. If I was an Israeli, I’d want revenge, even if it somehow meant the world press tried to call it a “cycle of violence.” I remember what it was like under Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, where kidnappings and killings of Americans at the hands of these cockroaches went unchallenged. Never again, I say. (Story here.)

Muhammed Ali not a good man? Daniel Pipes, a scholar and critic of Islam (that's a poor description, but hey! this is just another blog), has written a couple of articles lambasting the former heavy weight champ. I snagged this list from Pipes's website.

+ Ali knowingly betrayed Malcolm X, a betrayal that led at least indirectly to Malcolm's assassination.

+ Ali publicly turned his back on his press secretary, Leon 4X Ameer, which led to Ameer's death.

+ When Nation of Islam activists executed five friends and family of the Hanafi sect—four of them children—Ali did not quit the Nation or even publicly protest. Nor did the media ask him to.

+ For at least four years running Ali publicly degraded Joe Frazier, often along the crudest racial lines. "There's a great honor about Joe," says baseball great Reggie Jackson. "That was evident in the way he fought. And Muhammad ridiculed Joe; he humiliated him in front of the world."

+ Ali also verbally and physically abused Floyd Patterson and Ernie Terrell, two men who did not deserve it.

+ Ali was an unapologetic sexist. "In the Islamic world," he told Playboy, "the man's the boss, and the woman stays in the background. She don't want to call the shots." He wrote this in 1975, three years into the doomed struggle to pass the Equal Rights Amendment. Feminists still wrestle over this one.

+ While the black family was under assault, with its rate of unwed births nearly tripling during these fifteen years, Ali was fathering children out of wedlock with at least one teenage girl.

+ He also was about to leave four of his children without a father in the home after rejecting their Muslim mother for a more glamorous, only marginally black eighteen year-old.

+ Belinda Ali was the second wife he had publicly humiliated. Sonji was the first.

+ Ali remained an unabashed racist, calling for an American apartheid and the lynching of interracial couples as late as 1975.

+ In the years that mattered, Ali drove a wedge between the races. This may not have been evident to the cultural elite, but anyone who had been at Gary or like venues would know exactly what I mean.

+ He routinely denigrated black heroes who did not share his point of view, Joe Louis, Jackie Robinson, and Thurgood Marshall among them.

+ He continuously belittled and undermined Christianity, a bedrock of cultural stability in black America.

+ Ali shamelessly courted some of the most brutal dictators on the planet: Qaddafi, Idi Amin, Papa Doc Duvalier, Nkrumah, Mobutu, Marcos.

+ One of those dictators, Mobutu Sese Seko Nkuku Wa Za Banga, was complicit in the death of the black nationalist hero, Patrice Lumumba.

+ Ali helped launch the career of Don King.

+ And, oh yes, he rejected his country in its hour of need and expressed no regret at the fate of those millions we all abandoned. The man who compelled him to do so had conspired with the Japanese and cheered them on at Pearl Harbor.

Palestinian Authority claims Arafat poisoned with U.S. approval. On Nov. 17, 2005, the Palestinian Authority addressed the Palestinians, saying an investigation into Arafat's death need not continue, because they know he was poisoned.

Why, oh why do we give any money or credence to this would-be nation of barbarians? I'm getting more and more angry that my tax money goes into the pockets of Palestinians. I say give them their state quickly, and if the terrorism continues (and we all know it will), then we crush them into dust and be done with their kind once and for all.

Spielberg's new film, "Munich." Drudge has highlights of a Time Magazine article with Spielberg. It's supposedly a tribute to the Israeli athletes murdered by Muslims during the 1972 Olympics in Munich. Speeley said he doesn't think any book or movie can break the stalemate in the Middle East, "but it's worth a try."

We've come so far since 1972: Achille Lauro, Beirut bombings, World Trace Center I & II, USS Cole, 9/11, and countless other examples of brutal murders at the hands of Muslims.

Only the frogs would come up with this. A new, official sign beside a statue in a cemetery reads: "Any damage caused by graffiti or indecent rubbing will be prosecuted."

Cat survives four weeks without food or water. I found this story via Drudge. Four weeks! These are amazing little creatures. A few years ago a cat went off the top of the Coronado-San Diego Bay Bridge, plunging down into the bay's cool waters. The Coast Guard and fire department rescued the thing from the water. He was fine. A fireman said he'd adopt the critter if nobody claimed him. To see a live video shot of the Coronado Bridge, go here.

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