Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, & fuck

Top five hits for "fuck" at Google. I know you were wondering.


A fucking entertaining collection of videos -- bizarre, comical, and sexual. Indulge.


This fucknut has a Texas-sized gripe against the South.

"Fuck the South. Fuck 'em. We should have let them go when they wanted to leave. But no, we had to kill half a million people so they'd stay part of our special Union. Fighting for the right to keep slaves - yeah, those are states we want to keep."

3. Wickipedia entry

Standard fucking fare...

"It is unclear when the word was expelled from polite usage, becoming profane. Some evidence indicates that, in some English-speaking locales, it was considered acceptable as late as the 17th century meaning 'to strike' or "to penetrate'."

4. One man's search for

This fuckstruck fool has apparently been on a quest for since 1997. Stupid ass. Or should I say fuckhead?

"When I first started the Domain Name Game in 1994, securing seemed a distinct possibility. If had been secured by out and out blasphemers, why couldn't I get a simple swear word?"

5. Fuck Natalee Holloway

This guy is making a point with a fucking heartless headline.

"Now, before I get called a heartless bastard, let me hasten to point out that I agree that this story is tragic. Natalee's family and friends have doubtless been going through hell during this past month. I do hope that she can be recovered safe and sound, though that possibility seems very remote at this point. If I were the King of the World, I would snap my fingers and instantly transport every missing person back to the safety of their families."

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