Monday, December 18, 2006

Fighting Back

I've added some new links in a section called "Fighting Back". Descriptions below.

Daniel Pipes

Harvard Magazine on Pipes: In some ways Daniel, a specialist on Islam as an influence in history, is even more an outsider than his father. Founder and director of his own think tank, Middle East Forum (MEF), his current role in academe is gadfly. Though he taught world history from 1978 to 1982 at the University of Chicago, history at Harvard from 1983 to 1984, and policy strategy at the Naval War College from 1984 to 1986, he has parted ways with the academy—to the satisfaction of both, it seems. "I have the simple politics of a truck driver," he told an interviewer, "not the complex ones of an academic. My viewpoint is not congenial with institutions of higher learning." More congenial was his stint on the policy-planning staff at the State Department in 1983 and his seven years as director of a Philadelphia think tank called the Foreign Policy Research Institute, before starting Middle East Forum in 1994.

His site includes a blog, reprints of his articles, which have appeared in numerous publications, and other useful information about Middle East affairs and militant Islam.

Honest Reporting

If Honest Reporting doesn't raise your eyebrows, you're as biased as Jimmy Carter.


MEMRI, or Middle East Media Research Institute, is your portal into the Middle Eastern print and television media. Our mainstream media only tells us about speeches in English, to an English-speaking audience, but when Muslim leaders speak to their constituencies, things are very different. "Death to America," "Jews eat babies," and "Israel will be wiped off the map" are everyday fodder. When you see and hear what they're saying, even in children's TV shows, your skin will crawl. Don't take my word for it -- visit MEMRI and watch the video clips for yourself.

FrontPage Magazine

This magazine features David Horowitz and other interesting writers. Current stories include "Jimmy Carter and the Arab Lobby", "Senators for Terror", and "The ADL's New Low".

Jihad Watch

Robert Spencer has made a career out of studying Islam and the Koran, and now spends (it seems) most of his time updating the Jihad Watch website, writing books, and traveling the country giving lectures -- all of which warn and inform us about the nature of our enemies.

Debka File

Rumor has it The Debka File is an Israeli Mossad enterprise. Whatever it is, interesting information can be found there.

Campus Watch

Fed up with socialist college professors spoon-feeding anti-American crap to impressionable students? Visit Campus Watch to find out which of these vermin need to be ousted. The site was all over the scandalous Ward Churchill.

The Religion of Peace

TROP is a daily collection of Muslim atrocities worldwide. You will be amazed and disheartened at the disparity between what your local paper chooses to show you and the totality of the barbarism. The site also compiles statistics, such as: Islamic terrorists have carried out 6978 deadly terror attacks since 9/11.

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