Friday, July 27, 2012

Rasmussen: Romney surges to 5-point lead

Polls mean little at this stage, but it's still great to see a respected, national polling company reveal that Romney has pulled ahead of The Marxist. From Rasmussen:
    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Mitt Romney attracting 49% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

Equally interesting is Romney's three point lead in Wisconsin -- Romney 49%, Karl Marx 46%. All the Democratic death threats against Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin didn't work, eh? All the lies and anger from the unions, and they failed to oust Walker, and they're falling behind in the polls for November. I would feel bad for them, except I never feel bad when communists lose. I'm joyful.

Even the Great Unwashed can understand that the guy who increased the U.S. debt from $10.4 trillion to $15.4 trillion in just three years needs to be fired. For the record, that's $5,000,000,000,000 in additional debt for a net loss of jobs and a long list of bankrupt solar panel companies.

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