Thursday, November 04, 2010

Liberal blog reaction to election losses

It has been a long time since I slogged through communist blogs. Here are a few...

Daily Kommie

Mr. "more change please" at Daily Kos has a call to action:

    Yesterday I was depressed about the election. Today I'm fighting back. The 2012 election cycle begins today and there are concrete things we can do each and every day to promote our agenda between now and then. As candidate Obama said, "we are the people we've been waiting for" and we need to get busy.

Candidate Obama also said, "The walls between the countries with the most and the countries with the least must come down," revealing his desire for global communism.

David Waldman had this:

    Yes, the initial objection [ to filibuster reform ] will be that the filibuster might be necessary in order to block the enactment of the craziest initiatives of a runaway reactionary majority in the House. But there's another tool available for stopping that, and it's called having the majority in the Senate. The veto is there, too, but the first line of defense is marshaling a Democratic majority to actually defeat bad policy.

I got a kick out of "runaway reactionary majority in the House." It's good to see these people squeal and try to make the best of this. Of course, we non-liberals were doing the same thing two years ago. In politics as much as anything else, things are cyclical.

Firedumb Lake

Lisa Derrick gives us a post entitled "Late Night: Votin’ and Sippin’ and Tokin’", which I think is representative of the typical liberal:

    I voted! Very excited! Now I am watching the exit polls. I figure we’re gonna just shoot the breeze about whatever tonight. Straw polls, strawmen and women, weed…it’s a free for all. I’ll be happy to swap recipes, tell jokes, and cheer as election results come in. We can play a drinking game.

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