Sunday, August 01, 2010

Tim Rutten at LA Times is a communist whackjob

Here's Rutten's beginning, which did it's job of getting me to read the rest of the story:

    If you reengage the American media after a month out of the country, as I've done this week, it's hard not to conclude that hysteria is now the dominant characteristic of our politics and civic conversation.

You have to admit, it's an interesting way to begin. The remainder of the story, in keeping with the communist (not an exaggeration) ideals of the Los Angeles Times, is far less interesting. Rutten artlessly details the insanity of Republicans. Anyone who doesn't want an all-powerful federal government is somehow mentally deficient, Rutten would have us believe.

The real state of American politics is this: Obama's far-left regime has usurped state powers in an attempt to create a nannystate that is somewhere between Italy and North Korea. He is presiding, in a kingly manner, over the greatest expansion of U.S. debt in the history of the country, and is advocating in nearly every speech that we need to spend more. All of this is done for the purpose of redistributing wealth from people who work hard to people who don't, and yet feel entitled.

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