Sunday, May 30, 2010

Obama, Clinton, Sestak, Specter

The Whitehouse asked Joe Sestak to drop out of the race against Arlen Specter, which is very disturbing. Friday afternoon, just before the holiday weekend, Obama's people said Bill Clinton had spoken with Sestak about the race. This is the classic media deadzone -- incendiary information is released on Friday afternoon because it gets the least attention.

It's another Obama lie, and everyone knows it. The prez doesn't think people will notice this, and take it out on him and his party in the upcoming elections? Does anyone wonder why nobody trusts politicians? Between the lies and mismanagement, we're in deep trouble.

This is Bill Clinton's second so-called private act to shield Obama. Remember Bubba's "private" trip to North Korea? Right, lots of private citizens make trips to North Korea. Why is Bubba the fall guy for Obama? What has been promised? Will Obama support Hillary for president, six years from now? That must be it.

If Bush had done something like this, the media would have covered it around the clock for 10 days straight. The oil spill would be two paragraphs on the back page.

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