Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Barbaro is still dead

I'm really enjoying reading the comments on one of my Barbaro posts. Often it seems like I'm blogging into a void, but the feedback I'm getting on this one tells me I'm doing something right. And I have to wonder what these nutjobs would think of this post, because it's much worse. Anyways, here's a selection of the comments, for your enjoyment, with my thoughts in italics:

Thats not even funny on how you photoshopped that leg like that on Barbaro. Yes, it is.

You are so lucky I am not there skinning your ass alive, and sending you to hell bastard. Strange, I don't feel lucky about that.

Many people, clearly, would like to hurt you for this, including me. I'm doubtful that 'many people' would like to hurt me because I photoshopped a news event and put it on a blog. More than likely, that's just you.

I would really like to throw your ass into a stove, and just burn you up. You a sick minded bastard that has no respect for life. Go to Hell. You must be German.

Your probably just jealous because this horse is MUCH stronger, graceful and more cuter than you. 'more cuter'? An otherwise fine insult loses some of its punch when there are spelling and grammar mistakes.

You mother fucking idiot! You puzzletwit. Never have I seen such an image. You have your head so far up your own god damn ass that you don't even see the beauty of this beast, of any animal. I wish one would just fucking crush you because of this. 'puzzletwit'? Is this an insult? And 'Never have I seen such an image.'? What, this guy just got on the web for the first time?

I'll bet my life that your just some fat ass who sits on a couch all day and makes photos like this. And not only that, but you think there funny. (Only to you Genuis.) This one makes fun of my intellect, but doesn't understand 'your' and 'you're' and 'there' and 'they're'. Hmmm.

I believe people would call you a stuck up, sick minded bastard. It has been said, yes.

This is stupid you ASSHOLE, how could you do this? I could do it because it was enjoyable. I thought that would be obvious.

Go get a fucking life or go jump off a bridge and die. Are those my only two options, dumbass?

Plus your not good at photoshop at all. GET BETTER! You suck at it, I mean c'mon... A rat with a pencil would be a hell of alot better than you. I hope you just get hit by a car. The 'rat with a pencil' thing is fantastic. Best insult I've seen in a long time. The other nutjobs could learn from this one.

If you do have a pet, I would love to just cut their legs off, and see how you like it. I hate you! Take this thing off the internet you bastard.

Go to Hell. Asshole. Not very original.

This is so rude and disrespectful it makes me sick. Good.

YOU go fuck yourself in a corner and don't do this again to these majestic animals. 'majestic animals' who are whipped into running fast while carrying a human. Yeah, very majestic. Is anybody dumb enough to think these horses would be running around a track unless they were forced to? Has anybody ever spotted a horse in the wild, running oval circuits while carrying another animal on their back?

you should go to HELL! FUCK YOU!


Anonymous said...

Your a good man.

The Shaved Ape said...

Yes indeade, I nowe.

Unknown said...

Unbelievable.. What a bunch of nut jobs is spot on.. Over a Photoshop image of a horse, you threaten a human with violence? What’s really whacked out is how many of these PETA ( Should be PITA, for Pain in the ASS ) nut jobs, value an animal’s life more than a human. I guess it’s not hard to believe if you look at the drivel many of these animal “documentaries” spew out. (Many of which give animals human attributes). I would bet many that threaten you are in that camp, with comments like "He LOVED to run". Really? Come on people, you have a brain, please use it. And get a grip; it wasn’t Don that broke the leg of this animal. Being your blog is such a "hot spot" it’s clear people really have to go out of their way these days to be offended.

The Shaved Ape said...

I agree with you, Mondotti. Francis Ford Coppola (sp?) said he received a lot of complaints about the dead horse's head in The Godfather, but these same people didn't complain about the 30 or so humans that were killed.

Some of the comments to the Barbaro post indicate they believe the horse was a pet. What a joke. Barbaro was no more a pet than a race car.

Also, the Barbaro posts are probably the least insulting things on this blog.