Thursday, December 10, 2009

The usual suspects at Copenhagan climate conference

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These jag-offs should be tortured for what they have done and for the Billions that they have scammed out of millions as a result of this sick hoax. Think of all the good that could be done with the wasted, stolen resources... people impoverished and starving, looking to expand their standard of living, are looked upon as the evil.. Make no mistake.. Progressive Liberalism is at the root of this and is the true evil..
Here is a link to an email chain where NASA had admitted that the, now proven bogus data, was inferior to the data maintained by the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit.

Which tells you just how bogus the NASA data is. The kicker is that the USA today reporter, if you can call him that without vomiting, never published the discovery from 2007 and this had to be obtained through a freedom of information act request.. Gee, I wonder why?