Friday, November 06, 2009

NPR coverage of Ft. Hood: 'broad strata' or 'tiny minority'?

I was waiting for liberal media's response to Ft. Hood, and I didn't have to wait long. I was expecting the usual subterfuge: "broad strata" or "tiny minority". NPR chose the former.

The first NPR report I heard this afternoon discussed the sadness of the victims' relatives. The second talked about "vicarious trauma", where psychologists sometimes take on trauma experienced by their patients.

Hmmm. I guess when a Muslim puts on a bedsheet, grabs a Koran and a pair of handguns, and commits mass murder while yelling, "God is great!" in Arabic, it must be some sort of psychological trauma that could affect any mental health professional. Broad strata.

NPR is absurd.

Don't they feel dirty putting out misleading information for political purposes?

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