Sunday, November 22, 2009

Luddites and libraries

I read a good story in the LA Times -- and I do love this paper for its non-political stories. It's written by Diana Wagman, a novelist and professor. It's about a a Luddite -- who's not really a Luddite -- who went to the library to research Luddites.

    I spent three hours at the library and did not learn much about Luddites, but what I did find actually gave me chills. This is what I discovered: If you have a specific destination, the Web is the place to go. If you just need to search, there is no place like the library.

I enjoyed the article because I've been going to libraries regularly over the last two years, and I'm enjoying it. I cancelled my home internet two years ago, so I'm a quasi-Luddite just like the author. Now that I'm hooked on libraries, but still enjoy the web a few times a week, I can look back and see that I was wrong about some things:

1. All information is on the web

2. All good information is on the web

3. Enough information is on the web to make libraries unnecessary

4. I don't have time to visit libraries

5. I can't read books that might have been rubbed on somebody's unwashed genitalia just hours before.

Now I view the web as a good starting place for information (or TV shows or newspaper articles), then I'll go to the library to find a good, peer-reviewed book to learn more. It's a better way than all web, all the time. For me, anyway.


David Drake said...

Well Don, you just obviously havend't allowed yourself the ebullient and erotic experience of rubbing books and periodicals that have been touched by thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of the great unwashed, all over your private parts.

Don't knock it 'til ya tried it. I hightly recommend the works of Ernest Hemmingway and Gloria Steinem.

The Shaved Ape said...

Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a whirl.

Unknown said...

Man Don.. You need to get out more.. Sandy Berger paved they way long ago when he was in our national archives rubbing secrets all over his genitals.. I get chills up my leg just thinking about it.. Eat your heart out Chris Matthews!

The Shaved Ape said...

I forgot about that. He's sort of a pioneer, isn't he?