Friday, November 13, 2009

CNN no centrist news outlet

Regarding Lou Dobbs walking away from CNN, I've read yet another media story about how CNN is the moderate view on cable news, with Fox on the right and MSNBC on the left. What have these writers been smoking? CNN is far-left.

Does nobody remember CNN rushing to defend the despicable Hamas mouse? That was a disgusting, hyper-left display.

Does nobody remember Soledad Obrien wetting her pants for Obama? "He's a rock star," she said 500 times during the first half of last year. It was nauseating. I permanently turned off CNN when I saw how lopsided their election coverage was.

Does nobody remember that Ted Turner is so far left only Mao himself was further off the deep end? Anyone remember Ted? He's the guy who admires Fidel Castro and denies that he's a murderer, and admits that the Khmer Rouge genocide didn't get much news coverage (it would make communists look bad!), and that the KGB was honorable, and Iraqi insurgents are patriots, and North Korea isn't despotic. Go here for the full collection of Turnerisms. The founder of CNN is a nutjob communist.

Here's the latest in the left wing media smokescreen -- LA Times:

    With MSNBC chasing top dog Fox News up the ratings-and-ideological-purity ladder, we are offered seeming proof that the down-the-middle philosophy of old cannot win. Poor, stodgy CNN is bound to wither away, or so the argument goes.

    Yet I'd like to suggest that CNN, in parting ways this week with its most opinionated host, Lou Dobbs, may be planting the seeds of its resurrection and holding out the possibility that around-the-clock broadcasting doesn't have to mean around-the-clock spin.

This Times writer has been fooled by CNN's style, which is similar to what we find at NPR: a calm, steady delivery, so it must be neutral and objective. Never mind the actual content. People seem to believe that if no emotion is shown, it's objective. What nonsense! Obama, as he increases the strength of the federal government 100-fold, uses the same trick.

More from the Times:

    To be sure, the trend in recent times has been in the opposite direction. I've written before about how Fox News serves up heaping portions of conservative opinion even on what it claims are straight news programs.

And this is exactly what CNN is doing, as is Public Radio. Just the other day Public Radio had on a "legal expert", an attorney specializing in California's three strikes law. This "expert" said, "There is a guy in prison for stealing a pizza." This is false. Not only did the reporter not challenge him, but they didn't bring in a legal expert who supports 3-strikes. The man is in prison for committing two felonies, and then a pizza theft, which gave a cumulative sentence enhancement. The striker, as they're called, was told what would happen if he has another strike, and he went out and committed a crime anyway. One doesn't need to be a legal expert to understand this. Public Radio wasn't trying to present a balanced, objective view. They, being liberals, are against California's 3-strikes law, so they're trying to sway public opinion to get it overturned. There's no question about it. Ditto CNN.

If CNN adjusts itself to actually be neutral or objective, or anything other than far-left, I'd be happy to revisit this issue.

Another problem is that liberals believe their views are centrist, and people who, for instance, don't like terrorists, and don't like socialism, and don't like the federal government usurping states' rights, must be far-right radicals. The arrogance and stupidity on the left is incredible.

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