Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Media Swines

The media pandemic, swine flu, is returning. We all knew this was an unimportant story from the getgo, yet the media dry-humped the story until politicians had to make public statements of concern, and then things escalated to a fever pitch.

Here are the official stats for the number of people who died of flu and pneumonia just in the U.S. in 2006: 56,326. Around 80 people have died -- worldwide -- of swine flu. The media is so full of crap it's unbelievable. Why do you suppose they never publish the comparison of people who die of flue annually vs. swine flu? Could it be that the story would vanish in an instant?

How many times do we have to hear about hundreds of corpses lining the halls of the New Orleans sports arena after hurricane Katrina? Or the horrors of global cooling, acid rain, DEET, SARS, bird flu, imperiled frogs, swine flu, global warming, and all the other problems that exist only in the media?

So, we know the media omits important facts just to create a false scare. What else are they up to? You ever notice how we're constantly told how many tons of carbon dioxide we're emitting into the atmosphere, but the media never mentions how many tons the atmosphere is? Think about that for a moment. Hmmm, if the general public knew that the amount of CO2 we're putting out is a grain of sand on a beach, what would happen to this media-contrived horror story about "global warming"?


Mike Malloy said...

They can drop peanut butter and jelly sammiches to everyone from airplanes and heliocopters. That will feed us.

You're my idol Don.

The Shaved Ape said...

I know I am, buddy. Keep sucking your thumb and reminding yourself that while you may not be as clever as old Donny Long, you're still an alright person, considering.