Monday, May 18, 2009

National Absence of Common Sense

National Geographic pulled out all the stops for April 2009. I was blamed for droughts, 'imperiled' frogs, and polar bears that 'may' and 'could' vanish. This is 100% Grade A horseshit writing:

    The climate betrayed him.

    To many, the erratic precipitation patterns bear the ominous imprint of a human-induced climate shift. Global warming is widely believed to have increased the frequency and severity of natural disasters like this drought.

    The drought fell on Australia like a mallet, delivering a psychic blow for which the plucky land down under was not prepared.

    Svalbard's wild survivors have figured out how to adapt to the high Arctic's darkness, its bitter cold, and its meager vegetation. But there's one force that has come at them too fast for evolutionary change: humans.

    Amphibians evolved into 6,000 singular species as beautiful, diverse -- and imperiled -- as any on Earth.

How can any honest writer sit at their desk and produce such drivel? It's not only melodramatic in style, the content is very doubtful. Why doesn't National Geographic offer people some balance? How about a special edition to inform people how the planet has been warming since the last ice age began receding -- about 10,000 years ago? Why not describe how the planet's temperature has been rising and cooling for about a billion years -- with no human involvement? How about an article about the thousands and thousands of species that have gone extinct, and how life carries on quite well?

This past weekend I went out to the country and did some hiking. I picked up a handful of soil and examined it closely. What did I find? Nothing. The planet is not alive, and it's not called 'Gaia'. It's a lifeless ball of dirt. It has no pussy, folks. It's not feminine. We aren't custodians, we're owners. Fuck the radical left.


An endangered frog said...



Oh no, I'm dying.....

theo said...

Don, I am first time visitor to your site by way of David Drake's most excellent blog.

Remember all socialist movements need a rally call to mobilize the masses to their cause. Because they wore out a long time ago: "it's for the children" global warming or whatever the hell they are calling now has provided an excellent subsitute.

As much as the left pisses and moans about science they could give a shit about real science and are only interested in how they can spin or manipulate it to promote their agenda.

Earth doesn't have a pussy but give they libs and gays a few years and they will not only find a way to fuck it but they'll be married to it as well....