BBC tries to pull heartstrings with a piece about a frog that "communicates with other frogs by semaphore in the form of gentle hand waves."
Gentle hand waves? The thing is probably stricken with indigestion and is motioning for a Pepcid.
Hilary Jeffkins added: "The whole species is now extinct in Panama - this was one of the last remaining populations. It's final wave was in our programme."
I almost cried until I remembered we were talking about a frog. Hmmmm. One type of frog is no longer found in Panama, and the BBC thinks we should mourn. No, thanks. As icing on this weird cake, the hyper-emotional final sentence has "It's" used incorrectly.
The story claims the frog is dying out because of a fungus. I'm surprised the BBC didn't try to pin the blame on global warming or George Bush. Surely this must be the first innocent, cute creature to vanish because of something other than capitalism?
Shoot It™ series here.
You idiot, you probably get your news from fox. Read something outside the US (ie. trash media)
Here's a dumbass who can't distinguish the BBC from Fox News.
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