A year ago an ABC mini-series, "Path to 9/11" showed the Bubba Clinton administration for what it was -- a PR office, as opposed to people actively engaged in doing the right thing. Anyone doubt that bubba and his bitchy wife were a PR duo rather than leaders? Remember when CNN was waiting on the beach for U.S. troops in Somalia, complete with harsh video lights? That was a Bubba Clinton PR campaign that got our boys killed.
When Path to 9/11 was set to roll, the Clinton political machine went into high gear in an attempt to quash it. Never mind that Americans, and the world, had been treated to countless anti-Bush, anti-Republican shows and movies. Whether it's Law & order, Boston Legal, or Michael Moore's socialist offerings, if it's on a screen, it's probably infused with Bush Derangement Syndrome. Then a single show critical of the Clintons comes along, and they try to kill it. In the end the show did go on, but it was edited to make Bubba look better.
Round 2: the DVD release has mysteriously been held up. If the stoppage is not the doing of Hillary Clinton, I'm the Pope.
Another interesting facet to the Clinton M.O. is their continual alliances with criminals. Mark Rich, anyone? What other administration has sold pardons? Now Hillary Clinton, who was a Cubs fan before she was a Yankees fan (shame on New Yorkers for electing her), is involved with Hsu, a fugitive of 15 years. As of today, Hsu has disappeared again.
A Shaved Ape prediction: If Hillary becomes president, she'll
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