Sunday, September 16, 2007

Darfur and The Shaved Ape crystal ball

The BBC and most other media are informing us that people in 30 countries are participating in rallies to bring attention to the Darfur genocide. I have a prediction, based on past experience with Iraq. Prior to W, Saddam was universally derided as a genocidal madman who had and was determined to develop more weapons of mass destruction. John Kerry, Bubba Clinton, Al Gore, and most other liberal leaders were in lockstep with their conservative counterparts. Saddam was a really bad guy and represented a "grave threat" (John Kerry's words) to the United States of America.


The moment W waged war to remove the genocidal madman, lefties turned on him, even comparing some of his policies and decisions to that of Hitler (Cluck Schumer and others).

With Darfur we have socialists (liberals and other retarded leftists) saying W and other world leaders aren't doing enough to stop the genocide.

We'll probably end up with a Democrat for president, and though I shudder at the thought of a royal bitch and socialist like Hillarious Clinton for president, she has the best chance. After eight years of redistributing wealth and raising taxes "for the children" and making "investments" in education, we'll have another strong leader (Republican). The Darfur problem will be even worse at that point. The Republican will take action to solve the problem, and lefties will turn on him, comparing him to Hitler.

It's cyclical. To recap: A weak, Democrat president seeks photo-opps and leads by polls and accomplishes little more than looking good for eight years, and perhaps scores a blowjob or a licking administered by an intern, and then an actual leader will take over, and then the little socialists will get angry.


Anonymous said...

Thank God someone else agrees with me. I love hearing Greenday bitch and moan about Iraq and then turn around and do a tribute album to raise money for Dafur. I'm in college right now and I've learned this about liberals:

They are all talk and no action, they whine and complain about all kinds of things but when a conservitive acutally gets in there and does something about it they turn on him like Acteon's dogs

The Shaved Ape said...

Well spoken. Liberals have too much heart and too little courage.