Recently, LGF and a number of other blogs have been using an IP tool called WikiScanner in conjunction with Wikipedia. This allows a user to input the name of an organization and find Wikipedia edits from those organizations.
1. A New York Times IP edited the Bush entry with "jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk". (more info)
2. Another New York Times IP edited the Tom DeLay entry, calling him "a Grand Dragon of the Republican Party." (more info)
3. Still another New York Times IP has changed the WSJ entry. (more info)
4. A Democratic Party IP messed with the Rush Limbaugh entry. (more info)
Getting information from the internet is no different than getting it from a book or magazine: if the info isn't presented by credible sources, then peer reviewed, it cannot be trusted. Some day this may actually dawn on the Great Unwashed.
Wired magazine article about man who created WikiScanner
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