Friday, August 10, 2007

Liberal media failing in their quest

The overwhelming majority of mainstream media reporters are Democrats. Many surveys have proved this over the years. Here's how America feels about that, according to a new Pew Research poll, from AFP:

    More than two-thirds of the Internet users said they felt that news organizations don't care about the people they report on; 59 percent said their reporting was inaccurate; and 64 percent said they were politically biased.

    More than half -- 53 percent -- of Internet users also faulted the news organizations for "failing to stand up for America".

This reminds me of the CNN program News Night with Aaron Brown. From the moment we invaded Iraq to remove a genocidal tyrant, good ole Aaron was telling us how awful and sad the war was. Same with Paula Zahn. I'm glad both of these anti-war activists were eventually sacked.


Anonymous said...

The one thing I can say about Marx, is the guy had a great, good looking beard. Not too many can pull off that style.

The Shaved Ape said...


Have you noticed that the only thing liberals like more than Karl Marx are Hot Karl Marx's?