Monday, July 16, 2007

Worldwide broadband

The BBC says:

    Broadband users in 30 of the world's most developed countries are getting greatly differing speeds and prices, according to a report.

The list of entry-level broadband prices:

    Sweden $10.79
    Denmark $11.11
    Switzerland $12.53
    US $15.93
    France $16.36
    Netherlands $16.85
    New Zealand $16.86
    Italy $17.63
    Ireland $18.18
    Finland $19.49

The prices swing from dirt cheap to sub-dirt cheap.


Anonymous said...

But I'm a Liberal. I want it free or I want the gubbermint to give it to me.

The Shaved Ape said...

Hey Dra... err... "Lamont", move to Europe where the hard-working prop up the lazy. It's the liberal (socialist) way.