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The Shaved Ape braves the hippie wasteland so you don't have to
Daily Kos
Some nutjob calling himself "meteor blades" sings about his hero on the 4th of July:
My number one personal hero is Frederick Douglass, the runaway slave whose persistent eloquence was one of the leading factors persuading Abraham Lincoln to bring black soldiers into the Union Army. On July 4, 1852, he delivered a speech in Rochester, N.Y., that both roused and riled those who heard it or read it later.
Crooks and Liars
Nicole Belle must have a program that reworks the same material again and again:
I find it so ironic that today we celebrate the independence declared by our Founding Fathers against King George, only to find ourselves 231years later chafing under the all-but-crowned King George W. Bush. I can’t lie; it’s taken much of the sense of celebration out from me this year.
More of the same. (yawn)
Given our President's stunning disregard for the rule of law this week, and that it's the Fourth of July, I'm wondering what thoughts you all have on patriotism and liberty and on how this Administration has driven a stake in the heart of both.
For opposing the war, we're called unpatriotic. Our civil liberties have been disregarded by everything from the NSA warrantless monitoring program to no-fly lists, the Real I.D. Act and federal immigration raids on workplaces.
Self-loathing rules the day:
Here we are, 894 days into Bush’s second term, and just one day shy of our Day of Independence and, you know what? I have to admit, I’m not feeling it this year: like a wet brick of fireworks, that old patriotic flame has been kind of tough to light. Let’s face it: it’s hard to love one’s nation when disgust and embarrassment is all that one feels for his leader. It’s sad when even the simple thoughts of sparklers, snakes, stink bombs and fanciful flame seem nearly pointless and almost entirely devoid of fun. The truth is, I sincerely long for the day when I can once again be proud of who we are and what we stand for. In fact, I can’t help but to wonder where we’d be right now had Senator John F. Kerry taken his rightful place in history as our 43rd President of the United States.
Bush bashing still hasn't gone out of fashion for the hard left:
If you need a reminder on how the President, Cheney and Libby’s obstruction are all tied together, read the experts: see Christy’s “Marcy was right.”. We probably just witnessed obstruction of justice, right before our eyes. Here’s Sidney Blumenthal’s summary from his article, “Bush and Cheney walk too”.
The men who signed their names to the Declaration and pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor knew what to do with such scoundrels.
White Noise Insanity
The chubby leftist running this blog isn't clever enough to be angry:
Our nation is in the hands of people who have worked in government for years, but who haven’t spent an ounce of time serving the people of our country. They’ve served themselves and their evil agendas. They’re an abomination to the history of our country. In 1776, our country prevailed over a monarchy, but fast forward to today and we have a new form of it, but it’s laced with oil, greed, lies, deceits, killing, torturing, raping, and not an ounce of patriotism at it’s core!
This blog cracks me up, especially the title. Liberals have no values. Don't be mistaken, though, Republicans haven't figured it out yet, either. They think Jeebus handed out the morals. The first post for July 4 at Liberal Values is a YouTube video of Keith Olberman bashing Bush for commuting Libby's sentence. Those are liberal values for ya.
This fool stops just short of making a Declaration of Dislike for his country on the day we honor the Declaration of Independence:
Yes, it's the Fourth of July. That whole idea of declaring independence was pretty ballsy back in the day. And, the American revolutionaries were basically an insurgency fighting the most powerful military in the world. Course, the Americans were fighting on their turf and the Brits were half a world away. We know how that turned out. History is full of valuable lessons -- some of them are right before our eyes.
Hi reich wing nutjob, let me guess...you celebrated the 4th with a twinkle in your eye because America has now become an authoritarian dictatorship, which you believe is better than a democracy. Correct?
I bet.
And calling me chubby has to do with what? Oh that's right. The reich wingers don't have anything to support and defend their Fuhrer's actions with, so they just lash out and call names because that is what bullies do.
You're pathetic, but something tells me, you already know this about yourself.
What did you do for the 4th? Sit around talking about how stem cells have heartbeats and fingernails? Loser.
It will be completely amazing to me if after I press "publish" for this comment that it doesn't go into moderation! LOL You reich wingers hate the freedom of speech, huh?
I knew it! Blog approval by the owner before posting.
No wonder you love an authoritarian dictatorship! No rights to free speech...
Scared of the truth?
"The chubby leftist running this blog (Whitenoise) isn't clever enough to be angry"
Heh - so true.
Free speech on a blog? A blawg?
She said: "talking about how stem cells have heartbeats and fingernails"
I think she used that on her Marxist blog. Must be some new catchphrase with the hippies. They school like fish. I still prefer "military industrial complex".
Dear Sir,
How dare you refer to me in comparison to KayInMaine! Shame on you! I am nowhere near a Commie Liberal as she is. It's folks like her that give Marxism a bad image.
Karl Marx
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