Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Doctors as terrorists

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Didn't Waylon Jennings sing about terrorists?

Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be terrorists.
Don't let 'em pick guitars or murder civilians.
Let 'em be doctors and lawyers and such.
Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be terrorists.
'Cos they'll never stay home and they're always at the mosque.
Even when killing someone they love.

Despite the "progressive" effort to depict terrorists as people not affiliated with any religion, kept in a state of poverty by evil U.S. foreign policies (see the movie Syriana), we continually find that they're Muslims, and they're doctors (as in this case), engineers, architects, and other professionals who are anything but poor. In fact, most terrorists are middle or upper class, not downtrodden fools scratching out a meager existence in the desert. Do you think that, upon learning that the British would-be murderers were mostly doctors, "progressives" will begin to understand the root cause of terrorism? I doubt it, because facing the truth wouldn't fit their fetid worldview -- something about all cultures being equal.


    The general public often is shocked to see that doctors — the world's healers — can become militants or even terrorist killers. But some experts believe it is part of a socio-economic trend in which wealthy families highly educate their sons, who sometimes become radical and have the education they need to become leaders.

    "People often assume that terrorists are poor, disadvantaged people who are brainwashed or need the money. But the ones who actually perpetrate violence without handlers and manipulation are highly intelligent by necessity," said Magnus Ranstorp, a terrorism expert at the Swedish National Defense College in Stockholm.

    "It's only the smart ones who will survive security pressures in a subversive existence. Sometimes they are doctors, a profession that provides a brilliant cover and allows entry to countries like Britain," he said in an interview Tuesday.

    At least five of the eight suspects in the failed terrorist attacks in London and Glasgow, Scotland, were identified as doctors from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and India, while staff at a Glasgow hospital said two others were a doctor and a medical student.

Only leftists with a strange instinct to blame themselves for every bad thing that happens in the world are surprised to find that most terrorists are not poor. People who aren't overwhelmed by a socialist agenda know exactly who the terrorists are, and why they perpetrate their horrendous crimes. I'll give you a hint: it starts with "i".

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