Saturday, April 07, 2007

Climate Change: a journal of idiocy

The BBC has a reader feedback forum called "Has climate change affected you?". Listen to the morons:

  • Gregory, USA: I have seen the change over the years as a gardener. Plants blooming earlier [ I keep records and have done so for 35 years ]. Lack of rain water and a few years of horrid dry gardens. We live near Washington DC where it is hot in the summer. Now hotter and so much more polluted via cars in the heat and no air.

  • Apparently gardening records are scientific proof that things are 'so much more polluted via cars in the heat'. I'm sure the records will appear in "An Inconvenient Truth II".

  • Mansur, Russia: There are too much people in this world, we need another world war, so USA and UK can get reed of half of them. thats the only way we can save the world, so keep supporting UK and USA regime. NOT!!!

  • (Too much vodka) + (not enough freedom) = dumb Russians.

  • Robert, UK: I think it is a impossible task for the world to stop global warming we may slow it down but it will not stop it and when it happens life as we know it will stop a large part of the earth will be uninhabitable a large amount of the population will be wiped out and those left will have to help one another to survive I think as we look back on the Roman empire future generations will look back at us and think why they had it all and through it away

  • Speaks for itself, sort of.

  • Birbal, USA: Within the next 40 to 50 years we will be forced to radically change our economic and industrial policies and subsequently a new global political relationship. The whole world is now paying the price of man's greed starting from the first industrial revolution.

  • This is the nut of what's happening with "climate change". Socialists see it as a tool to stop the evil capitalists. They'll be happy when we're all riding horses again.

  • Akeru-chan, Canada: In Ottawa this year we had an extended summer. In January, when it is normally as cold as -40C, we were playing ball hockey in t-shirts in +15C weather. A lot of the geese didn't go south. In March when it should be warming up, we had -30, and they are calling for snow for the next two days.

  • It can only mean humans are destroying the earth! There is no other possible explanation.

  • Gunn, UK: We only have one home which is planet Earth,it took millions of years through slow changes to set the correct conditions for life to exist. Man has been removing a big part of the building blocks of life which is forests and jungles, this gives us breathable air, now man is seriously polluting that. Imagine fish in a bowl, if they do not find a way of cleaning their mess, they will die in their mess. We have to treat our planet as a living thing and treat it with respect. Its all we have, so Love it.

  • Wow, I didn't know pot was so popular in the UK. I wonder if Gunn knows he'll never be able to mate with Gaia?

  • Carolyne, USA: Pine beetles that used to be effected by cold are now running rampant through coniferous forrests and aspens are possibly facing extinction. It's real.

  • Not...the pine beetles! Not that! If the fearmongers had just mentioned pine beetles in the first place, more of us would have been willing to throw away our economies from the start.

  • Mark, Texas: I live in South Texas where summer temperatures are already hot enough to slow cook a hog. Another degree or two (or ten) isn't going to make a difference.

    I will run my air conditioner at top capacity this summer. If Al Gore is worried about my carbon footprint, the buffoon is welcome to buy me some carbon offsets with the money he earned from that science-fiction film he made.

  • It takes a Texan to speak the plain truth.


    Anonymous said...

    I have a short global warming story and how it affected me once.

    One day in the hot, hot summer we had a rainstorm. After a day of hot sunny weather, all the water puddles were gone - they had dried up and evaporated.

    This only happened because of (ahem) .... global warming.

    Anonymous said...

    oh - I meant to add, but I forgot:

    Pine Beetles? Easily Bushs' fault. No question about it.

    The Shaved Ape said...

    I'm so sorry to hear about your traumatic puddle experience. I'll pray to Gaia forthwith so that She may, in Her wisdom and greenness, relieve some of your suffering.

    Pine beetles: That Chimpee McBushitler MUST BE STOPPED [spittle flying]. He's causing all of our problems [face turning red]. Gaia's beautiful, living creation was idyllic before the dictator seized control of the entire world [indignation].