Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Term 'illegal alien' to become illegal?

Illegal aliens may officially become "immigrants" in Florida, if Sen. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami, gets her way. From Florida's News-Press:

    A state legislator whose district is home to thousands of Caribbean immigrants wants to ban the term "illegal alien" from the state's official documents.

    "I personally find the word 'alien' offensive when applied to individuals, especially to children," said Sen. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami. "An alien to me is someone from out of space."

    She has introduced a bill providing that: "A state agency or official may not use the term 'illegal alien' in an official document of the state." There would be no penalty for using the words.

    In Miami-Dade County, Wilson said, "we don't say 'alien,' we say 'immigrant.'"

This is liberalism at its finest. The negative connotation didn't evolve because of the word. It's because there are negative feelings towards people who are in the country illegally. That's not going to change when the word is changed!

Did any white supremacists stop their irrational dislike (or hatred) of blacks when the words "negro" and "colored" were changed to "black" and "African American"?

From Merriam-Webster's:

Illegal: not according to or authorized by law

Alien: relating, belonging, or owing allegiance to another country or government

How offensive to simply speak the truth.

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