Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Early blunders for top three Democratic hopefuls

The 2008 race, which has started far too early, has been difficult for three top leftists. Barack Hussein Obama is the latest to accidently let his true feelings come through, according to AP:

    During his first campaign trip this weekend, the Illinois senator told a crowd in Iowa: "We now have spent $400 billion and have seen over 3,000 lives of the bravest young Americans wasted."

Hussein quickly apologized. Apparently the freshman Senator doesn't realize that stopping a genocidal dictator is a worthy endeavor, and that losing 3,000 soldiers in a war is a remarkably low figure compared to all other major wars ever fought in the long history of Earth.

Biden was the first to accidently reveal his inner feelings, when he referred to Hussein as "articulate" and "clean." Some blacks said it was racist, some said it was only insensitive.

And there is the John Edwards blogger flap. Edwards hired two far left bloggers who routinely make inflammatory comments about Catholics. As a non-Christian, I'd go so far as to say they were sickening. If anything close to the same level of sleeze was aimed at Muslims, there would be world-wide riots. CAIR would redefine indignition.

Edwards fired them when right wing bloggers exposed them. In a classic Democrat flip-flop, he immediately denied firing them. Democratic leadership is limited to a lemming-like subservience to opinion polls.

Today one of the bloggers quit. That means Edwards fired her without having to admit it publicly.

So what to make off these gaffes? Cynics would probably say Joseph Biden is a racist, Hussein doesn't support the military, and Edwards agrees with people who hate Catholics.

It's still very early in the race. Republicans will have their moments soon enough.

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