Sunday, January 07, 2007

CNN pleased with Democrat power

Last night I noticed that CNN has a special new graphic and theme song for Nancy Pelosi's "first 100 hours" plan. They're giddy like schoolchildren running onto the playground. I don't know what causes me greater nausea, CNN's ongoing love affair with Barak Osama or this new excitement about Nancy Pelosi & Co.

I guess CNN and the other liberal media outlets don't realize that Dems can do nothing without Bush's help and approval. Veto, folks? Dems criticized Bush mercilessly for not vetoing so far, but it's a safe bet the next two years will change the statistics. I'd like to see "the first 100 hours" morph into "the first 100 vetos", with the exception of increased funding for stem cell research.

Don Long's New Plan

"The first 100 bottles of Pepto Bismal so I can stomach hyperliberal mainstream media fawning over unqualified morons." I'll need a graphic and theme song, as well.

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