Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Supreme Court upholds Oregon assisted suicide law

Conservatives believe they can dictate the fundamental control one has over one's own body. Roberts, Scalia, and Thomas voted to quash Oregon's Death With Dignity law, which allows a doctor to prescribe life-ending drugs. The trio not only believe individuals do not have the right to make a life-ending decision, they believe states shouldn't have their own laws concerning it. (BBC story here.)


This is one of my primary gripes about conservatives and Republicans. They know what's best for you, even better than you do. I presume this is due to their religious beliefs. Well, score one for those of us who understand the importance of keeping religion away from law and justice.

I'm very happy Oregonians suffering with deadly disease can still legally terminate their lives rather than waiting for a painful, sad ending. It's a good option for some.

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