Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Muslims with attitude

Nothing angers me more than Muslims who are indignant right after their people slaughtered Londoners as they commuted to work. One Mr. Aslam, writing for the Guardian, mentions Fallujah, as if that's a reason for Muslims to be angry with Britain and/or the U.S.

What is the thinking here? Fallujah is where terrorists in Iraq... Wait, let's review, so we know what we're talking about. Terrorists in Iraq are beheading civilians, blowing up little kids, and strapping explosives onto guys in wheel chairs. They're even putting bombing vests on dogs, for fuck's sake. These animals decided to hide in Fallujah, and certain Muslims, like the guy at the Guardian, are indignant that U.S. soldiers cleaned up the dungheep?

From the Guardian:

    Shocked would be to suggest we didn't appreciate that when Falluja was flattened, the people under it were dead but not forgotten - long after we had moved on to reading more interesting headlines about the Olympics. It is not the done thing to make such comparisons, but Muslims on the street do. Some 2,749 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks. To discover the cost of "liberating" Iraqis you need to multiply that figure by eight, and still you will fall short of the estimated minimum of 22,787 civilian Iraqi casualties to date. But it's not cool to say this, now that London's skyline has also has plumed grey.

If Mr. Aslam thinks, as I believe he's implying, that the London massacre was justified by Fallujah, he is terribly misguided.

And just so Mr. Aslam doesn't harbor any illusions about the future, wherever cocksuckers who behead civilians and blow children to smithereens decide to hide, U.S. troops or our allies will annihilate them, whether they decide to cower in Iraq, Afghanistan, Oregon, or Yorkshire.

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