Friday, July 22, 2005

Brits getting angry?

Even the Guardian, which acts informally as Aljazeera's UK bureau, had to admit that Britain's 'Stiff upper lip turns into a scowl.'

For those keeping score, the 20 or so attacks against Americans over the last 25 years resulted in two Muslim countries being crushed. Now that Britain has been smacked a couple of times, it's fine by me if they'd like to pick some low hanging fruit (of the oil and terror producing variety).

It's a toss-up as to which rancid patches of desert should be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century. Surely the obvious choices come down to Iran, Syria, or Saudi Arabia. And what about America's "ally," Pakistan?

From the Guardian:

    Whatever it was that kept Londoners so stoic - almost nonchalant - on the tube the day after last fortnight's bombs is still there, but more brittle; there's the beginning of a scowl on the stiff upper lip.

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