Monday, July 18, 2005

British Muslims offer hope

I've been very critical of the Muslim community for doing little to clean their own house. I'll never apologize for the tough stance, seeing as too many innocent civilians have perished at the hands of Muslim extremists.

However, recent development in Britain are hopeful.

According to the BBC, more than 500 Muslim leaders/clerics in the UK have issued a fatwa against the bombings. I'm tempted to make fun of any "fatwa", seeing as how Iran's leader issued one against Salman Rushdie for merely being critical of Islam. And, of course, the van Gogh film maker in the Netherlands was killed particularly heinously for portraying Muslim honor in a bad light.

Apparently these fatwas are part of the Muslim culture, and it's a portion that doesn't always result in somebody losing their head or being blown to bits, so I'll hold my critique.

From the BBC:

    (The fatwa) states Islam condemns the use of violence and the destruction of innocent lives and says suicide bombings are "vehemently prohibited".

    The formal legal opinion was issued by the British Muslim Forum at Parliament.

    More than 50 Muslim religious leaders from around the UK stood together outside the Houses of Parliament to hear the fatwa read out.

I’m hopeful about this. I’ve bitched that this sort of thing isn’t happening.

I’m still dubious, though, because the Spanish Muslims were the first to make a serious condemnation of Osama bin Laden -- several years after 9/11. Plus, they thanked Europe for being kinder to the Muslims community, post 9/11, than the U.S. Note that Europe has suffered 35, no, make that 36, major terrorist attacks since 9/11, and the U.S. has suffered none. So, take your thanks and shove it up your fundamentalist assholes. I thank the FBI for not letting insane fucktwats butcher my wife, my two children, and other innocent civilians as they go about their ordinary, peaceful lives.

Also, the Muslim Street is still clamboring for Bin Laden t-shirts. Remember the photo of Indonesians eagerly accepting food and water from a U.S. military helicopter with one buttfuck wearing a Bin Laden t-shirt?

I also have a nagging suspicion that Blair ordered Brit Muslims to issue the fatwa. Did he say, "Clean your house or I'll clean it for you."? Did he say, "Our open, tolerant culture has limits, so do something before I have to."?

    "We pray for the defeat of extremism and terrorism in the world.

    "We pray for the peace, security and harmony to triumph in multicultural Great Britain."

I hope the words, which are general and fuzzy, are truly heartfelt. It’s time to move in a productive direction, as opposed to simply blaming George Bush for Muslim extremism.

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